Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Disney's a Christmas Carol -Review

disneys a christmas carol is a good movie but its definately not for little kids under 7 years old if they dont like scary suprises. the movie is not a scary gore movie, no no no, its not like that it is a scary suprise pop out movie, and its what my mom calls a GOOD scary movie, you have to see the movie to really understand what kind of scariness im talking about. and i didnt see it in 3-d i didnt want to, watching the movie you forget that it is disneys a christmas carol because its scary so scary ur just frightened and not focusing on the minimal happines in the movie. i would give the movie 5 stars because its so exciting you dont get good scary movies like that. i am advizing people who like to see a good scary movie. but if ur skiddish its still a good movie but if ur under 7 than its not a good movie, but like my sisters they'll laugh if something scares them in a movie. so my **official** review is 5 STARS.


  1. hi tell me what u think of my review and if you've seen the movie tell me what you think of it and if my information is accurate

  2. haha u were scared of a disney movie lol
